Monday, August 11, 2014

Where We Are

It's amazing... the changes that happen.

Even though we have lived in the same place as a family for the past eleven years, we are a WORLD away from where and who we were back then.  Kids grow up... adults (ideally) grow together.  Even though I miss the miniature versions of my boys, I wouldn't trade seeing their growth for the world!

So... here we are.

My idea that you can do more from your home is going to be challenged this year.  This year we will also add home schooling to the mix!  YEAH!  LB's school experience thus far has been rather tumultuous.  It was time to put on the brakes and say "NO MORE"... we're going to do it a different way.

And hopefully this way will allow him a sense of calm so he can LEARN.

And, to be honest... I need the calm too.  I spent entirely too much time attached to the computer waiting for emails about problems... phone always by my side in case I'd get that phone call that I needed to run up there and save the day.

I am trading all that in for control.

And hopefully I'll be able to get back to the things I love!  Like, spending time with my little guy and helping him figure out stuff.  Making things.... growing things.... BAKING!  Remember how jazzed I would be when I could BAKE SOMETHING?

And most of all, sharing the good stuff and bad with my friends.

So off I go, ready for this next chapter in the ongoing saga that is TEAM JONES.  And ready to share.

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